Christ's Church

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Church as Family

It is in community
that we come to see God in the other.
It is in community
that we see our own emptiness filled up.
It is community
that calls me beyond the pinched horizons
of my own life,
my own country,
my own race,
and gives me the gifts
I do not have within me.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What is the Church

What Is The Church...?

. A fellowship against loneliness.

. A hospital for healing.

. A time-out corner.

. A resting place.

. A bath for washing guilt away.

. A reflecting pool.

. A kneeling bench.

. A classroom of truth.

. A laboratory of life.

. A hospital door.

. A track for walkers in the Way of Christ.

. A practice field for patience and compassion.

. An internship for minister-members.

. A herald of Good News, joyful news, hopeful news, helpful news.

. A cafeteria where God feeds us.

. A garden where God comes looking for us.

. A rescue mission where God finds us.